Fallen Punter

I had quit gambling for good. I am now an author of my winning soccer picks guide book. This book teaches you 8 easy techniques in winning and guaranteed good profit! The below results are proofs. The picks below are genuine posted before and during the match (running ball compromised with the score and odds.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

17 wins 4 draws and 4 lossess

17 WINS and 4 Losses only
This results can easily gain you 1k profit with $100 bet each.

Genuine Results with technique used in my guidebook.
All result are post before the match or during the match without favorable result.

So at $31.50 is just slight over $1 per day in a month.
And you can easily win more than 20 times of it.

Buy my guide book now!
Take note that I may not post anymore tips and next season onwards, I may increase the price of this book up to double the price of now.

1 comment:

  1. Bro! Great job.... I cant figure out how u end up losing everything.... Thanks for your pointer n tips n I juz won 2 bets n 2 ongoing bet is on its way to winning.
