Thank everyone! while I continue to promote my book, I am also doing a part time job at night.
Though I ended this campaign with 14 wins 3 draws and 3 losses.
I do feel more like a loser bagging the 3 losses in a day. This is how i end up like this. Perhaps this is the undisclosed chapter lesson 8. Bet evenly and keep your capital. Nevertheless the 2 of the teams will return your the losses if you follow closely on my lesson 1. wait for 2 more games each.
Many readers asked me when will I be posting again. Seriously I do not know it myself. Most of the matches is ad-hoc and depend on the earlier matches result to determine the probability.
However if I come across a good pick of 95% winning rate. I wont hesitate to post it here. I believe those who bought my guide book will find it useful on betting your team. I guarantee you will make overall profit and good profit.
Hope to see you guy again. add me at facebook ( which i think this is a good interactive ground for all my supports.
Signing off.
Hey dun go! I want more tips fr u.