Fallen Punter

I had quit gambling for good. I am now an author of my winning soccer picks guide book. This book teaches you 8 easy techniques in winning and guaranteed good profit! The below results are proofs. The picks below are genuine posted before and during the match (running ball compromised with the score and odds.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Techniques clock 10 wins 2 draws and 0 loss

These results are genuine and posted on this blog before the outcomes of the matches. Many readers are the witnesses that these picks are real.
I bet most other guidebook authors are not capable of this result nor dare to post their picks prior to matches. If they do probably you won't see them now.
No losses up to date but don't except this to be clean sheet forever.

Buy a copy of my guide book now and experience this result yourself. (As I can't post picks here forever)


  1. its really awaste that you don't bet

  2. Dear Anonymous. Don;t think so. it is not a waste. Because it take 1 loss to make me go mad and I will start to bet anyhow of other matches on Luck! Hope you read don't do the same and take loss with grace.
